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Upcoming features

These features are coming soon! You can also vote for next!

Feature to monetize your content

MagnificentH is actively exploring innovative ways for Creators of House and Heritage Spaces to monetize their content directly on the platform. The vision is to build a creator-driven economy that values your contributions and puts you at the forefront of our community.

Current Monetization Options

For now, Creators can monetize by embedding links to external platforms such as Patreon or Ko-fi. To add these links, simply use the dedicated field in the sign-up form.

Future Monetization Features

Some promising models under evaluation to enhance your earning potential:

Creator-Driven Economies: features that will allow you to monetize access to your Spaces through various Visitor "entrance fee" options, including one-time access fees and subscription-based fees if you opt to restrict viewing your Spaces.

Direct Revenue Sharing: exploring partnerships with licensing models, giving Creators the opportunity to opt-in and receive licensing revenue for their work.

Decide on next features to add

My platform is new and in early development and I would like to provide the best experience for the users it is being built for! Please let me know what features you would like me to add? Use the link below to access the vote poll or access a Discord server (link provided below) to join the community and interact.
