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User frustations we aspire to solve

You may wonder what differentiates MagnificentH from other platforms and what would be the main reasons to join. The idea behind the platform is to solve several pain points that users experience when using other social media content and as a result struggle to find what they are looking for. Some key frustrating points MagnificentH aims to solve:

Search and content discovery issues. Inaccurate search results. Many users of social media platforms report frustration with search functionality. The results often don't match their queries or intentions. The search algorithms mostly prioritize popular or sponsored content over truly relevant results, making it difficult to find specific content they're seeking.

Irrelevant content suggestions. Do you complain about receiving irrelevant suggestions and content you're not interested in? Social media platforms will bombard you with suggestions you don't want.

User experience frustrations with ads. The increasing presence of advertisements on mainstream social media platforms is overshadowing organic content, making it harder for users to distinguish between genuine and sponsored posts. This ad saturation is making user content discovery more challenging.

Content quality decline and relevance issues. You may have noticed a decline in the quality of content published on main social media platforms. This makes it harder to find high-quality, inspirational content, not to mention content that will provide context and more in-depth insights.

Shift from inspiration to shopping. Social media platforms unfortunately tend to transition from being a community platform and source of inspiration to primarily a shopping platform.

So, in essence, MagnificentH is created to address these issues. With more niched themes, community of dedicated audience and experts in historical styles, the House spaces and Heritage spaces aim to improve your user experience. In its simplest form, it's a site so users and historical style lovers can more easily find or share the content and expertise they're looking for while being in control of the content that is being displayed to them.

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